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How Long Can I Wait to Have a Baby

How Long Can Yous Wait to Take a Baby?

Deep feet about the ability to have children later in life plagues many women. But the decline in fertility over the course of a woman's 30s has been oversold. Here's what the statistics actually tell us—and what they don't.

A hand holds a timer
Geof Kern

Editor's Annotation: Read more stories in our serial about women and political power.

In the tentative, post-9/11 bound of 2002, I was, at 30, in the midst of extricating myself from my start marriage. My husband and I had met in graduate school but couldn't find two academic jobs in the aforementioned place, and so we spent the iii years of our union living in different states. Subsequently I accepted a tenure-track position in California and he turned downwardly a postdoctoral research position nearby—the chore wasn't good plenty, he said—it seemed articulate that our living situation was not going to alter.

I put off telling my parents nearly the dissever for weeks, hesitant to disappoint them. When I finally broke the news, they were, to my relief, supportive and understanding. And then my mother said, "Take you read Time magazine this week? I know you want to take kids."

Fourth dimension's cover that week had a baby on information technology. "Listen to a successful woman discuss her failure to deport a child, and the grief comes in layers of bitterness and regret," the story within began. A generation of women who had waited to starting time a family was beginning to grapple with that decision, and 1 media outlet later another was wringing its hands about the steep decline in women'south fertility with age: "When Information technology's Too Late to Accept a Baby," lamented the U.Thou.'southward Observer; "Baby Panic," New York magazine announced on its cover.

The panic stemmed from the April 2002 publication of Sylvia Ann Hewlett'due south headline-grabbing book, Creating a Life, which counseled that women should take their children while they're young or take chances having none at all. Within corporate America, 42 percent of the professional person women interviewed by Hewlett had no children at age 40, and most said they deeply regretted it. But equally yous plan for a corner office, Hewlett advised her readers, you lot should plan for grandchildren.

The previous autumn, an advertizing campaign sponsored past the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) had warned, "Advancing historic period decreases your ability to accept children." One ad was illustrated with a babe canteen shaped like an hourglass that was—simply to brand the signal glaringly obvious—running out of milk. Female fertility, the group announced, begins to refuse at 27. "Should yous take your baby now?" asked Newsweek in response.

For me, that was no longer a viable option.

I had ever wanted children. Even when I was decorated with my postdoctoral enquiry, I volunteered to babysit a friend's preschooler. I ofttimes passed the time in airports by chatting up frazzled mothers and babbling toddlers—a 2-year-one-time, quite to my surprise, one time crawled into my lap. At a hymeneals I attended in my late 20s, I played with the groom's preschool-age nephews, ofttimes on the floor, during the entire rehearsal and almost of the reception. ("Exercise you fart?" one of them asked me in an overly loud voice during the rehearsal. "Everyone does," I replied solemnly, as his grandfather laughed quietly in the side by side pew.)

But, suddenly unmarried at 30, I seemed destined to remain childless until at least my mid-30s, and perhaps e'er. Flying to a friend's hymeneals in May 2002, I finally forced myself to read the Time commodity. Information technology upset me so much that I began doubting my divorce for the first time. "And God, what if I want to take two?," I wrote in my journal as the common cold aeroplane sped over the Rockies. "First at 35, and if you lot expect until the kid is 2 to try, more than likely you have the second at 38 or 39. If at all." To reassure myself near the divorce, I wrote, "Cypher I did would have inverse the situation." I underlined that.

I was lucky: within a few years, I married again, and this time the match was much better. But my new husband and I seemed to confront frightening odds confronting having children. About books and Web sites I read said that i in iii women ages 35 to 39 would non get pregnant within a yr of starting to endeavor. The first page of the ASRM's 2003 guide for patients noted that women in their late 30s had a 30 per centum gamble of remaining childless altogether. The guide also included statistics that I'd seen repeated in many other places: a woman's adventure of pregnancy was xx percent each month at age 30, dwindling to 5 percent past age 40.

Every time I read these statistics, my stomach dropped like a stone, heavy and foreboding. Had I already missed my chance to be a female parent?

Asouth a psychology researcher who'd published manufactures in scientific journals, some covered in the popular press, I knew that many scientific findings differ significantly from what the public hears virtually them. Soon subsequently my second wedding, I decided to become to the source: I scoured medical-inquiry databases, and quickly learned that the statistics on women's age and fertility—used by many to make decisions virtually relationships, careers, and when to have children—were one of the more spectacular examples of the mainstream media's failure to correctly report on and interpret scientific research.

The widely cited statistic that one in three women ages 35 to 39 will not be pregnant after a year of trying, for instance, is based on an commodity published in 2004 in the journal Human being Reproduction. Rarely mentioned is the source of the data: French birth records from 1670 to 1830. The hazard of remaining childless—30 percent—was also calculated based on historical populations.

In other words, millions of women are being told when to go pregnant based on statistics from a fourth dimension before electricity, antibiotics, or fertility handling. Most people assume these numbers are based on big, well-conducted studies of mod women, but they are not. When I mention this to friends and assembly, past far the most common reaction is: "No … No way. Really?"

Surprisingly few well-designed studies of female age and natural fertility include women born in the 20th century—only those that practice tend to paint a more than optimistic motion-picture show. Ane study, published in Obstetrics & Gynecology in 2004 and headed by David Dunson (at present of Duke University), examined the chances of pregnancy among 770 European women. It found that with sexual practice at least twice a week, 82 per centum of 35-to-39-year-old women excogitate within a year, compared with 86 percentage of 27-to-34-year-olds. (The fertility of women in their late 20s and early 30s was about identical—news in and of itself.) Some other written report, released this March in Fertility and Sterility and led past Kenneth Rothman of Boston University, followed ii,820 Danish women every bit they tried to get meaning. Amongst women having sex activity during their fertile times, 78 percent of 35-to-40-yr-olds got meaning within a year, compared with 84 percent of 20-to-34-year-olds. A written report headed past Anne Steiner, an associate professor at the University of Due north Carolina School of Medicine, the results of which were presented in June, establish that among 38- and 39-year-olds who had been pregnant before, 80 percentage of white women of normal weight got pregnant naturally inside six months (although that per centum was lower among other races and among the overweight). "In our information, we're not seeing huge drops until age 40," she told me.

Even some studies based on historical birth records are more optimistic than what the press normally reports: 1 institute that, in the days before birth control, 89 percentage of 38-year-old women were still fertile. Some other concluded that the typical woman was able to go pregnant until somewhere between ages 40 and 45. Yet these more than encouraging numbers are rarely mentioned—none of these figures announced in the American Gild for Reproductive Medicine's 2008 commission opinion on female historic period and fertility, which instead relies on the near-ominous historical information.

In brusk, the "infant panic"—which has by no ways abated since it hit me personally—is based largely on questionable information. We've rearranged our lives, worried incessantly, and forgone endless career opportunities based on a few statistics most women who resided in thatched-roof huts and never saw a lightbulb. In Dunson'south study of modern women, the divergence in pregnancy rates at age 28 versus 37 is just about four per centum points. Fertility does subtract with historic period, but the turn down is not steep enough to continue the vast majority of women in their tardily 30s from having a child. And that, later on all, is the whole indicate.

I am now the mother of three children, all born after I turned 35. My oldest started kindergarten on my 40th birthday; my youngest was born five months later. All were conceived naturally within a few months. The toddler in my lap at the airdrome is at present mine.

Instead of worrying nigh my fertility, I now worry about paying for child care and getting three children to bed on time. These are skillful problems to have.

Yet the memory of my abject terror about historic period-related infertility still lingers. Every fourth dimension I tried to go pregnant, I was consumed by anxiety that my age meant doom. I was not alone. Women on Internet message boards write of scaling dorsum their careers or having fewer children than they'd like to, because they can't comport the idea of trying to become meaning after 35. Those who have already passed the dreaded altogether ask for tips on how to stay calm when trying to get meaning, constantly worrying—just as I did—that they volition never take a child. "I'm scared because I am 35 and everyone keeps reminding me that my 'clock is ticking.' My grandmother even reminded me of this at my wedding ceremony reception," one newly married woman wrote to me after reading my 2012 advice book, The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Significant, based in part on my own feel. It'south not only grandmothers sounding this note. "What science tells us well-nigh the aging parental body should alarm us more than it does," wrote the journalist Judith Shulevitz in a New Republic encompass story late final year that focused, laser-similar, on the downsides of delayed parenthood.

How did the baby panic happen in the beginning place? And why hasn't there been more public pushback from fertility experts?

Ane possibility is the "availability heuristic": when making judgments, people rely on what'due south right in front of them. Fertility doctors see the effects of age on the success rate of fertility treatment every twenty-four hour period. That's particularly true for in vitro fertilization, which relies on the extraction of a large number of eggs from the ovaries, because some eggs are lost at every stage of the hard process. Younger women's ovaries answer better to the drugs used to excerpt the eggs, and younger women's eggs are more likely to exist chromosomally normal. Equally a result, younger women'south IVF success rates are indeed much college—about 42 percent of those younger than 35 will give nativity to a alive baby after one IVF cycle, versus 27 percent for those ages 35 to 40, and just 12 percentage for those ages 41 to 42. Many studies accept examined how IVF success declines with age, and these statistics are cited in many inquiry manufactures and online forums.

Still only nearly ane percent of babies born each year in the U.S. are a consequence of IVF, and most of their mothers used the technique not because of their age, but to overcome blocked fallopian tubes, male person infertility, or other issues: nearly 80 per centum of IVF patients are 40 or younger. And the IVF statistics tell us very trivial about natural formulation, which requires but one egg rather than a dozen or more than, amid other differences.

Studies of natural conception are surprisingly difficult to conduct—that's one reason both IVF statistics and historical records play an outsize role in fertility reporting. Modern nascency records are uninformative, considering most women have their children in their 20s and so utilise nascence control or sterilization surgery to prevent pregnancy during their 30s and 40s. Studies asking couples how long it took them to excogitate or how long they have been trying to get pregnant are every bit unreliable as man retention. And finding and studying women who are trying to get pregnant is challenging, equally at that place'due south such a narrow window between when they start trying and when some will succeed.

Millions of women are existence told when to get pregnant based on statistics from a time before electricity, antibiotics, or fertility treatment.

Another trouble looms fifty-fifty larger: women who are actively trying to get significant at age 35 or after might exist less fertile than the average over-35 woman. Some highly fertile women will get pregnant accidentally when they are younger, and others will get pregnant rapidly whenever they try, completing their families at a younger age. Those who are left are, disproportionately, the less fertile. Thus, "the observed lower fertility rates among older women presumably overestimate the result of biological aging," says Dr. Allen Wilcox, who leads the Reproductive Epidemiology Group at the National Institute of Environmental Wellness Sciences. "If we're overestimating the biological decline of fertility with historic period, this will simply be good news to women who take been most fastidious in their birth-command use, and may be more than fertile at older ages, on average, than our data would lead them to expect."

These modern-twenty-four hours research problems assistance explicate why historical data from an historic period before nascency command are and then tempting. Yet, the downsides of a historical approach are numerous. Advanced medical care, antibiotics, and even a reliable food supply were unavailable hundreds of years agone. And the decline in fertility in the historical data may also stem from older couples' having sex less often than younger ones. Less-frequent sex might have been especially likely if couples had been married for a long time, or had many children, or both. (Having more children of course makes it more hard to fit in sex, and some couples surely realized—eureka!—that they could avoid having another rima oris to feed by scaling back their nocturnal activities.) Some historical studies try to control for these problems in diverse ways—such equally looking merely at but-married couples—but many of the same issues remain.

The best way to assess fertility might be to measure "cycle viability," or the run a risk of getting pregnant if a couple has sex on the near fertile mean solar day of the woman's cycle. Studies based on cycle viability use a prospective rather than retrospective blueprint—monitoring couples every bit they endeavour to go significant instead of asking couples to think how long information technology took them to get pregnant or how long they tried. Wheel-viability studies also eliminate the demand to account for older couples' less active sexual practice lives. David Dunson's assay revealed that intercourse two days before ovulation resulted in pregnancy 29 pct of the time for 35-to-39-year-old women, compared with near 42 per centum for 27-to-29-year-olds. So, past this measure, fertility falls by nigh a third from a woman'southward late 20s to her late 30s. Withal, a 35-to-39-year-old'south fertility ii days before ovulation was the same every bit a nineteen-to-26-year-one-time'due south fertility three days before ovulation: according to Dunson's data, older couples who time sex merely one mean solar day better than younger ones will finer eliminate the age difference.

Don't these numbers contradict the statistics y'all sometimes see in the popular press that only 20 per centum of 30-year-old women and 5 percent of 40-year-onetime women get pregnant per cycle? They exercise, only no journal article I could locate contained these numbers, and none of the experts I contacted could tell me what data set they were based on. The American Guild for Reproductive Medicine's guide provides no commendation for these statistics; when I contacted the association's press role asking where they came from, a representative said they were simplified for a popular audition, and did not provide a specific citation.

Dunson, a biostatistics professor, thought the lower numbers might be averages across many cycles rather than the chances of getting meaning during the first cycle of trying. More women volition get pregnant during the first cycle than in each subsequent i because the nearly fertile will conceive quickly, and those left will have lower fertility on boilerplate.

Most fertility problems are not the result of female age. Blocked tubes and endometriosis (a status in which the cells lining the uterus too grow outside it) strike both younger and older women. Almost half of infertility issues trace back to the man, and these seem to be more common among older men, although research suggests that men's fertility declines only gradually with age.

Fertility issues unrelated to female historic period may also explain why, in many studies, fertility at older ages is considerably higher among women who have been significant earlier. Among couples who haven't had an accidental pregnancy—who, equally Dr. Steiner put it, "have never had an 'oops' "—sperm issues and blocked tubes may be more likely. Thus, the data from women who already have a child may give a more accurate picture of the fertility decline due to "ovarian aging." In Kenneth Rothman's report of the Danish women, among those who'd given nativity at to the lowest degree once previously, the chance of getting pregnant at historic period forty was similar to that at age xx.

Older women's fears, of form, extend beyond the ability to get meaning. The rates of miscarriages and birth defects rise with age, and worries over both have been well ventilated in the popular press. But how much practice these risks actually rising? Many miscarriage statistics come from—you lot guessed it—women who undergo IVF or other fertility treatment, who may have a higher miscarriage run a risk regardless of age. Nonetheless, the National Vital Statistics Reports, which depict data from the full general population, find that 15 percent of women ages xx to 34, 27 percent of women 35 to 39, and 26 pct of women xl to 44 written report having had a miscarriage. These increases are hardly insignificant, and the true rate of miscarriages is college, since many miscarriages occur extremely early in a pregnancy—earlier a missed period or pregnancy test. Yet information technology should be noted that even for older women, the likelihood of a pregnancy'due south standing is most iii times that of having a known miscarriage.

What about nascence defects? The risk of chromosomal abnormalities such every bit Down syndrome does ascension with a woman's age—such abnormalities are the source of many of those very early, undetected miscarriages. However, the probability of having a kid with a chromosomal aberration remains extremely low. Even at early fetal testing (known as chorionic villus sampling), 99 percent of fetuses are chromosomally normal among 35-year-old meaning women, and 97 pct amid 40-year-olds. At 45, when well-nigh women can no longer become meaning, 87 percent of fetuses are still normal. (Many of those that are not will later be miscarried.) In the near hereafter, fetal genetic testing will be done with a simple blood test, making it even easier than information technology is today for women to get early information about possible genetic bug.

Due westhat does all this hateful for a woman trying to decide when to accept children? More specifically, how long can she safely wait?

This question tin't be answered with absolutely certainty, for two large reasons. First, while the data on natural fertility among modern women are proliferating, they are withal sparse. Collectively, the three modern studies by Dunson, Rothman, and Steiner included just about 400 women 35 or older, and they might not be representative of all such women trying to conceive.

Second, statistics, of course, can tell the states only about probabilities and averages—they offer no guarantees to any detail person. "Even if we had good estimates for the boilerplate biological decline in fertility with historic period, that is nevertheless of relatively limited use to individuals, given the large range of fertility found in healthy women," says Allen Wilcox of the NIH.

So what is a adult female—and her partner—to do?

The information, imperfect as they are, suggest 2 conclusions. No. ane: fertility declines with age. No. 2, and much more relevant: the vast majority of women in their late 30s will be able to become pregnant on their own. The bottom line for women, in my view, is: plan to have your terminal child by the time y'all plough 40. Beyond that, you lot're rolling the dice, though they may still come in your favor. "Fertility is relatively stable until the late 30s, with the inflection point somewhere around 38 or 39," Steiner told me. "Women in their early on 30s can think near years, merely in their tardily 30s, they demand to be thinking well-nigh months." That'due south also why many experts advise that women older than 35 should see a fertility specialist if they haven't conceived later on six months—particularly if it's been vi months of sex activity during fertile times.

In that location is no single all-time time to have a child. Some women and couples volition find that starting—and finishing—their families in their 20s is what'due south all-time for them, all things considered. They just shouldn't let alarmist rhetoric push them to become parents before they're fix. Having children at a immature historic period slightly lowers the risks of infertility and chromosomal abnormalities, and moderately lowers the risk of miscarriage. Simply it also carries costs for relationships and careers. Literally: an analysis by one economist found that, on boilerplate, every year a adult female postpones having children leads to a x per centum increase in career earnings.

For women who aren't ready for children in their early on 30s but are all the same worried about waiting, new technologies—albeit imperfect ones—offering a tertiary pick. Some women choose to freeze their eggs, having a fertility md extract eggs when they are still young (say, early 30s) and cryogenically preserve them. Then, if they haven't had children by their cocky-imposed deadline, they can thaw the eggs, fertilize them, and implant the embryos using IVF. Because the eggs will be younger, success rates are theoretically higher. The downsides are the expense—mayhap $x,000 for the egg freezing and an average of more than than $12,000 per bike for IVF—and having to use IVF to become pregnant. Women who already have a partner can, alternatively, freeze embryos, a more mutual procedure that also uses IVF technology.

At home, couples should recognize that having sex at the well-nigh fertile fourth dimension of the cycle matters enormously, potentially making the difference between an easy conception in the sleeping accommodation and expensive fertility treatment in a clinic. Rothman's report constitute that timing sexual activity around ovulation narrowed the fertility gap between younger and older women. Women older than 35 who want to get pregnant should consider recapturing the glory of their 20‑something sex lives, or learning to predict ovulation by charting their cycles or using a fertility monitor.

I wish I had known all this dorsum in the jump of 2002, when the media coverage of age and infertility was deafening. I did, though, find some relief from the smart women of Saturday Night Live.

"Co-ordinate to author Sylvia Hewlett, career women shouldn't wait to take babies, considering our fertility takes a steep drop-off after age 27," Tina Fey said during a "Weekend Update" sketch. "And Sylvia's right; I definitely should accept had a baby when I was 27, living in Chicago over a biker bar, pulling downward a cool $12,000 a year. That would have worked out dandy." Rachel Dratch said, "Yes. Sylvia, um, cheers for reminding me that I take to bustle up and have a baby. Uh, me and my four cats will get right on that."

"My neighbor has this adorable, cute little Chinese baby that speaks Italian," noted Amy Poehler. "And then, you know, I'll just buy one of those." Maya Rudolph rounded out the rant: "Yes, Sylvia, maybe your next volume should tell men our historic period to cease playing G Theft Auto III and holding out for the chick from Alias." ("Yous're not gonna get the chick from Alias," Fey advised.)

Eleven years later, these iv women have viii children amongst them, all but i built-in when they were older than 35. It'south good to be correct.


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